Neurological Rehabilitation Hallidays Point PhysioNeurological Rehabilitation Hallidays Point PhysioNeurological Rehabilitation Hallidays Point Physio

Neurological Rehabilitation
Hallidays Point Physio

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02 6559 2607

Neurological Rehabilitation
Hallidays Point Physio

Neurological rehabilitation physiotherapy is a specialised area of physiotherapy that focuses on helping individuals who have experienced neurological conditions or injuries. This type of physiotherapy is tailored to the specific needs of each patient and is designed to help them regain function, mobility, and independence.

Common conditions Shoreside Physio is well equipped to help you with include:

  1. Stroke: After a stroke, physiotherapy can help to improve strength, balance, and coordination. We’ll use exercises to improve your mobility and gait, as well as to help you relearn functional tasks such as sitting, standing, and walking.
  2. Parkinson’s disease: Parkinson’s disease can cause muscle stiffness, tremors, and difficulty with coordination. With tailored physio we can help you manage these symptoms through a combination of exercises to improve strength and flexibility, and techniques to improve balance and gait.
  3. Guillain Barre Syndrome: Guillain Barre Syndrome is a rare condition that affects the nerves and can result in muscle weakness and paralysis. We can help to manage symptoms and improve function through exercises to improve muscle strength and flexibility, as well as techniques to improve balance and coordination.
  4. Functional Neurological Disorder: Functional neurological disorder is a condition that can cause a range of symptoms, including weakness, numbness, and difficulty with movement. At Shoreside Physio we help you to manage these symptoms through a combination of exercises to improve strength and flexibility, and techniques to improve coordination and balance.
  5. Multiple Sclerosis: Multiple sclerosis is a condition that can cause a range of symptoms, including muscle weakness, fatigue, and difficulty with balance and coordination. Shoreside Physio can help you to manage symptoms through a combination of exercises to improve strength and flexibility, as well as techniques to improve balance and coordination.

Overall, Neurological rehabilitation physiotherapy at Shoreside Physio typically involves a combination of exercises, techniques, and interventions that are tailored to the specific needs of each patient. By working with us, individuals who have experienced neurological conditions or injuries can improve their quality of life, regain function, and increase their independence.

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02 6559 2607